Aspartame and your health

This sweetener could be causing you harm.

Alternative sweeteners as compared to sugar have long been been added and subtracted from our food lists over the years. Many sweeteners have come and gone. Some have been touted for being “healthy” due to their performance against blood sugar levels in the body. Could these sweeteners be wreaking havoc on our system unbeknownst to us? Today we will examine aspartame under the microscope.

Aspartame is marketed under the label of some products as “sugar free” leading us to believe that it is a safe alternative to sugar. Aspartame is in a small envelope on the table at many “Mom and Pop” or “Meat and three restaurants” under the label NutraSweet or Equal. It is also found in diet carbonated soft drinks, baked goods and under the “sugar free” label. Is this product safe?

Recently, I had a client tell me that she could not sleep. I started asking her questions of what she ate and drank prior to bed the last several nights when suddenly she experienced insomnia. Her response was that she was enjoying Apple Cider tea prior to bed. I started researching the particular brand of this tea and read the ingredients. One of the ingredients included aspartame. I know that aspartame has a negative effect on our health. I didn’t realize all of the dangers until I looked at the research. Take a look at the possible side effects associated with this product.

  1. Insomnia
  2. Brain tumors 
  3. Weight Gain
  4. Seizures and Vertigo
  5. Birth Defects
  6. Emotional disorders
  7. Memory Loss

Aspartame is the environmental trigger for concerns such as: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Alzheimers, Lyme Disease, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Epilepsy, Anxiety/Phobia Disorders, Manic Depression, Graves’ Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Heart Disease, Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome and others. 

People report symptoms such as headache, nausea, vertigo, insomnia, numbness, blurred vision, blindness, memory loss, suicidal depression, personality and behavior changes. Other reactions from this product include hyperactivity, gastrointestinal disorders, seizures, skin lesions, muscle cramping and joint pain, fatigue, heart attack symptoms, hearing loss and tinnitus, pulmonary and cerebral edemas. These were all reported to the FDA. This product still remains on our shelves and in our soft drinks. We need to educate each other on the dangers of this sweetener. 

As you can see this is crazy to consume. Why take any chances?

Drink for your health and choose aspartame free options. Read labels, it is that easy.

To learn more about how to empower your health contact me here.  I will support you in finding your TRUE YOU. We will work together to meet your health goals.

 In Health,

Healthy Living Chick