Copaiba- New Powerhouse?

Copaiba is all the rage right now especially since CBD oil usage is on the rise.

Below you will find many ways to support the body with Copaiba essential oil. I will also include differences between CBD oil and Copaiba and how they work in the body.

Copaiba oil has been used to support the nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, immune function, endocrine system, and digestive health. When I think of this oil I consider hormones, liver support, and balancing mood. It also supports tissues in our skin. It contains antioxidants and supports normal inflammatory response. Copaiba might reduce neurological excitation in tissues. However, it does not react with the CB1 receptor in the brain. Therefore, it does not offer any psychoactive effects. It does offer the same therapeutic benefits that other Cannabinoids offer. Copaiba contains 50% BetaCaroPhyllene also known as BCP which is responsible for the therapeutic affects that we experience.


Here is a list of other oils that contain a small amount of BCP: Black pepper-21%, Melissa 13%, Ylang Ylang, Clove, Helychrysum and Juniper Berry


dōTERRA’s blend of 4 species:

Copaifera offinalis

Copaifera Langsdorffii

Copaifera reticulata

Copaifera coriacea


Internal Application:

Use 2 drops in a capsule in the morning and evening. May add Frankincense.

Blend with Frankincense for increased cellular support.

Add 2 drops mixed with citrus water.

Take 1-2 drops under tongue each morning.

Blend with peppermint for digestive support at mealtime.


Topical Application:

Apply directly over the affected area diluted in fractionated coconut oil.

Combine with Blue Tansy for soothing relief to skin irritations and minimize blemishes.

Blend with facial moisturizer and Cedarwood.


Aromatic Application:

Breathe in the aroma periodically throughout the day to calm and soothe emotions and neurological activity.

Combine with Citrus to elevate mood

Combine with Siberian fir or a floral oil to create relaxation.


Emotional application:

Copaiba allows us to connect with our past. Individuals in need of Copaiba often find that it reveals unresolved inner pain in their heart, mind and body. Many discover feelings of guilt, shame, unworthiness that might have been absorbed from their earlier years. Copaiba allows for resolve and healing. Individuals using Copaiba often find themselves remorseful and then moving on. Remember forgiveness is key. We CAN forgive ourselves for our past mistakes. God is our divine healer, we can go to Him with these burdens and lay them down at His feet. When you come to Him remember you are a treasure, accepted, valued, worthy of love, forgiven and LOVED. We CAN make peace with our past.


Topically: Place 1-3 drops over heart, lower stomach, forehead, or neck.


Lastly, Copaiba blends well with the following oils: Helichrysum, Frankincense, Black Pepper, HD Clear, and Forgive.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.