How much fiber is enough?


Many clients find me for digestive support.  First of all, we will discuss fiber. Adults should obtain 25-30 grams of fiber each day. Due to popular misbelief, the Standard American Diet lacks fiber. The average American typically consumes 10-15 grams a day. Consequently, this is not enough fiber to keep things moving along and does not promote healthy gut flora.

We can add fiber to our diet by consuming soaked and sprouted grains, fruit, increase your vegetable intake, and add beans or lentils to our diet.

For example:

1 large apple = 4 grams of fiber

1/2 cup of steel cut cooked oats = 6-8 grams of fiber

1 medium orange =3-4 grams of fiber

1 cup of black beans = 9-15 grams of fiber

Here are some simple ways to add beans to your diet:

  1. Add beans to your salad.
  2. Beans or lentils may be added to your stews.
  3. Veggie wraps are a wonderful addition to any lunch and beans add texture and fiber.
  4. Black bean brownies have become popular
  5. One of my friends adds a few beans to their smoothie (1-2 T)


Contact me here to get more support for your digestive system.