New Life

When I think of spring, I envision new birth and life. This week I have noticed birds trying to make their nest in my house. I have bird droppings and straw at my front door where the birds believe they can come in. When they hit the glass they must drop their materials.

Currently, I have several friends expecting babies. New Life is a theme!

This time of year definitely reminds me of new life that I have in Jesus. If it were not for Him I would not be here today. I would not serve and I would not be the person that I am. No, I haven’t arrived yet and I am a work in progress. My life is not about me, it is about the Hope that I have in Jesus Christ.

You see, before Christ, my life was about what I wanted, very self centered. I had anger issues, and would have terrible outburst when things didn’t go my way. I was even known to throw small or large items across the room. This was the behavior that I had grown accustomed to in my youth. When I accepted Christ and wanted to follow Him all of the days of my life I became more peaceful, learned to talk about my emotions in a positive way and able to communicate my feelings openly and safely. This did not happen overnight. I started digging into the Word of God asking him how to respond to issues that arose. I went through a few Bible studies to reconcile some deep wounds that I had experienced early on in my life and learned to journal and ask God to forgive the people that had caused this hurt. I definitely sought counsel. I do believe in seeking Biblical counsel from others farther on their spiritual journey. Gaining wisdom is invaluable!

You might be asking how do I accept Christ and what does that mean? It is as easy as A, B, C.

  1. Acknowledge that you are a sinner. A sinner is someone who does immoral acts or chooses to do wrong. (Romans 3:23 -all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.)
  2. Believe that Christ was God’s son, born as a virgin, died for our sins and was raised to life on the 3rd day! With his resurrection power you can have life eternally. (John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.)
  3. Confess your sins and confess that you are a Child of God. Confess your sin because he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) God wants to forgive you for everything that you have ever done! It doesn’t matter how BIG or how SMALL! God loves you and he will accept YOU as a child of God!

If you have read this article and have made a decision to follow Christ I would love to chat with you, please contact me. I’m thankful that I’ve found a new life in Christ.


He is risen!


Happy Easter,


Healthy Living Chick

