Who Keeps a Record?

Who keeps a record?
I have had times in my life in which I have struggled with my shortcomings and have felt terrible for my wrongs that I have committed. Even though I ask God to forgive me, I still wrestle with the fact that I did them.
However, we see in scripture no matter how ashamed we are of what we’ve done our first step is to cry out to our Lord. Psalms 130:1,3 “Out of the depths I call to you Lord!… LORD, if you considered sins, Lord who could stand?”
Imagine when we get to heaven if God considered ALL of our sins and placed them in storage, can you think about what that might look like? For me, the storage unit would be FULL! Thanks be to God He keeps no record of wrong. In Jeremiah 31:34 we read, “For I will forgive their wickedness and I will remember their sins no more.”

If you are like me, you are keeping a record of all of the sins that you’ve done but, God doesn’t keep a record of our sins, I am and you are. I believe our enemy, Satan, consistently tries to remind us of our shortfalls. When we dwell in the belief that God does not forgive our shortfalls, we are believing that God will not forgive us, so what is the purpose of Jesus? We are not trusting in God and thinking that He does not do what He promises when we repent.

Another scripture that remind us that our God DOES forgive is Colossians 2:13-15. Christ NAILED our sins to the cross. Doesn’t that make you want to jump up for joy? I sure do! I want to dance! Take those shackles off ladies and dance before our Lord!

Psalm 32:1-2 from the Message translation: “Count yourself lucky, how happy you must be–you get a fresh start, your slate’s wiped clean. Count yourself lucky God holds nothing against you and you’re holding nothing back from him.”
Let us feel happy and be joyful! He does NOT hold our sin against us and why should we?