22 Items to Declutter Around Your Home

Declutter your home to allow more space, peace, and less stress.

Christmas, even though it is the most celebrated and joyful of holidays, it is also one that brings stress and clutter into our lives. Most Americans have what we need and want, and our kids have most everything that they need as well.

I LOVE starting December out with decluttering, and typically after Christmas I do it again. Most of the time I keep a trash bag in my closet for donations to the ARC or Goodwill. As my children or myself find things around the home that we no longer use or need, we collect these items in the bag. When it is full, we will choose where we will donate it. Currently, we have 2 bags ready to donate.

Listed below are some items that you may find that your family has and can easily give up to declutter.

  • Hangers that are either from a dry cleaner or extra hangers that you’ve picked up from purchasing new items from the store. These are typically wire OR thick plastic with a size hanging from the top. Declutter those and get rid of them.
  • Take out condiments — you will never use these and you will only accumulate more. Examples: Soy sauce and ketchup
  • Vitamins that have expired
  • Clothes — ones that are out of style, don’t fit, or that are worn out.
  • Worn out shoes, belts, old purses and wallets.
  • Recycle old batteries. I’m sure we all have that “junk” drawer where we collect things like batteries because it is not good for the environment to send to the landfill. Find a place to recycle them.
  • Expired food — look in your cabinet and get rid of the food that the best buy date has come and gone.
  • Jewelry — if the jewelry is not worn, broken etc. it doesn’t need to have space.
  • Socks without a match.
  • Food Storage containers without lids or that are old. Freshen up any plastic that you’ve had for years. They probably contain BPA and that is not good for you.
  • Old pens and markers that no longer write. I went through my daughter’s markers yesterday as she was coloring and tossed the old ones.
  • Mugs, plates, cups with chips or discoloration.
  • DVD’s or Video (VHS) tapes that you do not watch. They are taking up space. Find a library to donate them to OR local charity. Who still owns a VHS player? Have any old family VHS tapes converted to DVD for convenience.
  • Expired coupons or old receipts for items that can no longer be returned. I do keep a folder with all of our large items purchased for our home with the receipt for warranty purposes.
  • Books that you no longer read. Sell these or donate them to a library.
  • Magazines — either donate or recycle. After you read them once or twice what good are they laying around?
  • Expired medication — after the expiration on the bottle the medication becomes less potent.
  • Electronics that you no longer use. Find a place to recycle or sell them.
  • Old wash clothes, hand towels, rugs, and potholders — We need to refreshen yearly or every other year.
  • Discard stuffed animals that your kids are no longer playing with.
  • Paint or other chemicals that are no longer needed. (discard at the appropriate location in your area.)
  • Toys that your children no longer enjoy.
  • Newspapers — recycle these.