Sun Burgers


Happy National Veggie Burger Day!

Sneaking raw food into a burger…hmm…will your kids notice if you complete it with tomato, lettuce, pickle, and bun?

We served with gluten free bun and fries. (Deland-Bun and organic fries)

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Sun Burgers Recipe

5 Large Carrot

4 1/2 T Ground flaxseeds

1 cup Sunflower seeds

1 1/2 tsp Sea Salt

1 cup celery-chopped in a food processor 

1 cup red onion or to taste

6 T. red pepper

6 T fresh parsley


Peel and trim about 5 large carrots or 2 cups of baby carrots and place them in a food processor. Process with S blade until ground. *

Mix ground flaxseeds with the carrots.*

Grind sunflower seeds and Sea Salt in a food processor. *

*NOTE: You may process all of these together if you have a large bowl.


These burgers are dehydrated. You may cook them on a low setting and watch them. 

Otherwise dehydrate for 4 hours at 106 degrees. Anything over 125 is cooking. Remove from dehydrator and turn over and heat for 102 more hours. A stove would cook a LOT faster. 





recipe inspired by Hallelujah Simply Weekly Meal Plans by Marilyn Polk