Bad day or a day of learning?


Have you ever had a bad day? Not a day that everything turned bad but maybe a day that all of your relationships with people went sour? This was my day today! By the end of the day, it was awesome to see my 17 year old text me asking me if she could do an AromaTouch Technique ( like a massage technique on my spine) on me before I went to bed. How sweet is that?

No, my car didn’t break down, the dishwasher still works and we didn’t have any accidents. However, today several people in my family woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It wasn’t just 1 person but at least 2-3 so I thought, however, I pulled one to the side this evening while tears were pouring down her sweet face and said, “I see that it’s been a hard day for both of us. I want to understand you, I want to help you. What is bothering you so that I can help you work on it?” Then the flood gates gushed. She basically told me of some fears and some apprehensions in her life about upcoming events and that she was too distracted to complete some of her normal school tasks. I assured her that I was with her and would work with her and help her.

We talked about some strategies for keeping her disciplined with her school work and how she would have someone to keep her accountable for her different subjects and the hardest thing for me was to let her know that she wouldn’t be participating in some after school parties until her schoolwork was completed. This has got to be the hardest part of being a parent. The disciplining is by far SO hard for me as a mom. I LOVE my children and I want the BEST for them. The thought of taking something away that is meaningful, but also causes you stress, is a hard thing to do. At the end of the day, I’m alive, Jesus still loves me even through those hard moments today and he forgives!

Sometimes we want to keep wallowing in our sadness for our sin instead of allowing it to be forgiven and walking FREE. I reminded another daughter of this tonight. She was feeling sad for her sins tonight. We talked about God forgiving our sins and throwing them into the ocean and if you ask the other person to forgive you then everything is made new again. I will sin against you and you will sin against me. We are humans. I love you and you love me, however, just know that this will occur. I write all of these things as a reminder that nothing is TOO big for God. Even your bad days may turn into good as you recount all of life’s lessons that were taught and learned. I was the biggest student today.

After all, was it a bad day or a day of learning? I’ll choose a day of learning and loving.

Health is about more than food, it is about relationships too! How was your day? Were your relationships rough?


Healthy Living Chick