Cleaning Stainless Steel Appliances

It’s that time of year to have LOTS of company. We are cleaning our homes for the holidays! I like to clean using natural ingredients. I believe that stay-at-home mom’s are at HIGH risk of cancer due to the fact that we are using chemicals to clean with and are in our homes most of the time. A simple solution to this problem is to use easy, natural cleaning supplies that you have around your home. I will be showing you how to clean using simple ingredients.

I was using a stainless steel cleaner recommended by the store where I bought my Stainless Steel appliances. I didn’t realize that it didn’t work that great AND it was toxic for my family. I check all of my cleaning and other household products that I use at (environmental working group)

In looking for a replacement, I recently found this simple solution pictured below in the video. Check it out and I bet you already have one of these household ingredients. This solution works amazingly well! The smell is wonderful too!

Keep it simple, and clean naturally. Learn more about essential oils.

**(see below)

Check out the best place to purchase high quality oils here. I’ve researched LOTS of companies and this one seemed like the best choice for my family. What about yours?


Healthy Living Chick



**Be mindful of the letters or numbers around stove dials as natural oils can remove those.