
Fitness is the ability of the whole body working together to the highest level possible.

When we think of exercise we think of Cardiovascular, Muscular Strength, Flexibility etc.

Since heart disease is the #1 killer in the U.S. we need to consider our heart because this is a muscle that never gets rest. We need to keep it healthy!

We Americans today are too sedentary. A lot of our jobs are at the computer. Trust me, I”m feeling a bit guilty as I’m sitting here typing this now!

In schools, our children are having less recess time so that they can improve their test scores. I wish we would see that MOVEMENT is KEY to helping the brain with information. Our bodies were meant for movement. Some times I get my kids and myself walking or running while trying to memorize something. It works!

What are you favorite activities? Get out and do them. It is almost fall. Hiking is a family favorite for us. Maybe your family likes to play softball, volleyball, biking, or running. No matter what it is, get out and do it!

Exercise can be a great stress reliever. (more on STRESS later)

Why is this so important?

Being Active:

  • Improves your mental outlook.
  • Improves your cardiovascular system
  • Helps with weight loss

Misconceptions that people have about exercise:

  • If I weight train, I will build bulky muscles
  • I have to be good at a sport- NOT TRUE, I’ve never been good at ANY sport
  • Everyone my age is able to do more than me
  • Exercise takes too much time

Ways to get started:

  • Start off with 20-30 minutes a day-3 days a week!
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Take a brisk walk during your lunch hour.

Find small ways to work in a bit of exercise. In time, you will benefit and find a workout that works for you!

Fun ways to keep you going!

  • Set goals for yourself
  • Add music to your workout
  • Enter a competition-1 mile run, 5K, half marathon, etc.
  • Train with a friend
  • Reward yourself
  • Keep a journal to stick with it to form a new HABIT!

Drink your water! Hydrate before & after exercising.


Healthy living chick