Fresh Air

It is basic knowledge that all living organisms need the following in order to survive: fresh air, water, nutrients and sunlight. We humans, sometimes don’t put all of this into practice for ourselves but think of this as something that our plants need.

Let’s take fresh air as an example today and discuss how important fresh air is. We need oxygen to survive. A lot of times we hold our breath more than we breathe deeply. Learn how to breathe deeply. A good way to practice this is with slow inhalations and exhalations from your tummy. I learned how to breathe deeper with the help of an app that taught this to me AND the use of essential oils.

The app was connected to a heart monitor in which I wore that alerted me when I was stressed. It took a long time for me to get this under control. There are many times that I have to remind myself to stop, breath, and work on my emotional care.

The application of essential oils might be the BEST way to remind ourselves to breathe in! This can be done with the help of diffusers in our home, diffuser necklaces around our neck or adding some to our hands and inhaling deeply.

Deep Breathing helps reduce stress and we all live in a stressful environment these days! We live fast paced lives taking our children here and there. At least learn to breathe deeply while on the go.

Open your windows for fresh air all year long! I remember the day after Christmas last year that we actually opened all of our windows. We had unseasonably warm temperatures. Open  your windows, move the fresh air inside to rejuvenate you! We have had our windows open for many days now. We love the spring air!

What are the benefits of fresh air?

  1. You feel more energized. When spring comes we clean things out and get things organized. I feel this energy when I raise my windows and it is warm outside. I feel more alive!
  2. Fresh air can boost your immune system. Get outside and take a walk. Breathe in nature. I love to take a walk in the woods and breathe deeply.
  3. Fresh air can uplift your mood. Getting some fresh air can alter your mood from negative to positive. When I’m feeling anger I truly do go for a walk. The simple act of exercise combined with fresh air that I’m taking in uplifts mood.
  4. Science shows that stopping to smell the roses really does make a difference in promoting relaxation and lowering stress. This goes along with the power of plant medicines and their use in our homes.
  5. We are indoors more these days. Open the windows and allow the fresh air in! Your body will thank you for it! This can also allow your home to breathe and any toxins from new paint, carpet, new construction or new  items in your home can air out.


Circulating air within our homes is fantastic. Open your windows and allow the fresh air in!


Healthy Living Chick