Qualities of Lavender



Lavender is known for its calming ability. When the essential oil is diffused it may help one relax. It has been known to soothe itchy skin when used topically. Lavender may help soothe a tummy. It may also ease mild head tension. Lavender is used to quiet a crying child or relax someone that is wound up.

Some people mention lavender when considering a natural remedy for ear discomfort. This would be done by rubbing it around the ear or placing a drop on a cotton ball and placing the cotton ball at the edge of the ear. Others enjoy lavender and an epsom salt bath to relax at the end of a long day.

When our family gets a minor burn we will apply lavender to cool it quickly. Sometime we massage lavender on our feet to help us to relax.

There are many uses for lavender. How will you use it?


Be Well,


Healthy Living Chick





†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.


To learn more about essential oils don’t hesitate to contact me.