What is this Fruit?





Dragon Fruit is an amazing exotic fruit that is found in SouthEast Asia and South America. This fruit is often referred to as Pitaya. It is pink and white, or yellow and white, or pink and pink in color. It is similar to kiwi in taste.

I personally, had never experienced this fruit until I went to Asia. On my visit I tried many new foods and I can’t wait to share more of them with you. Learning about new and different foods is a process.


This is what I know about Dragon Fruit:

*high in antioxidants- look at the richness of color

*high in fiber, aids in digestion

*boosts immune system

*rich in minerals

*high in vitamin C

*reduces cancer causing free radicals

*known for its anti-aging qualities


How do I eat this new fruit?


Peel the outer layers off and slice down the center. You may cut it into any shape that you would like. The seeds in this amazing fruit are edible.

There are no known side effects, so enjoy them.

Remember, try new foods, eat the rainbow and enjoy these new found treasures!


Many Blessings,
