Baby Yoda Avocado Toast

With a little Disney magic, healthy foods become even more creative! Try a delicious and fun form of avocado toast! Baby Yoda from Star Wars is adorable to make and very tasty to eat!

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Baby Yoda Avocado Toast Recipe

2 avocado

1/2 teaspoon cumin

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon cayenne powder

1 lime 

salt and pepper to taste

6 olives

lettuce or kale leaves

vegan cream cheese

6 pieces of toasted bread


In a bowl, mash the avocados and then mix in the cumin, garlic powder, cayenne powder, lime juice, and salt and pepper. Cut the olives horizontally into 4-5 sections. Use the end of the olives for the eyes and cut the inside slices in half to make the mouths. With the lettuce or kale, cut Yoda shaped ears with a small knife. On top of the toasted bread, place the ears on both sides of the bread and make sure that half of the ear is hanging off of the piece of bread. Add about two tablespoons of the avocado mix on top of the bread, covering a little of the ears and making an oval shape. With the vegan cream cheese, form two small circles for  each piece of toast and place as the eyes and then add the olive ends on top of the cream cheese. Place the mouth (olive slice) in the bottom center. Enjoy!