Chia Seed Cereal



I’m all about simplicity! This is a very simple recipe of Chia seeds that you fan soak even the night before. I woke up and soaked a couple of tablespoons of Chia seed while I got ready. Then I came back and added a few more ingredients and I was ready to eat!

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Chia Seed Cereal Recipe

2 T. Chia Seeds

Oatmeal -rolled oats–sprinkle

Few Goji and dried fruit sweetened Blueberries

Hemp Seeds-Sprinkle

Soak Chia seeds in a small amount of water until a thick substance forms and add a bit of oatmeal, Goji berries, dried blueberries, and a few hemp seeds. 


Layer them or sprinkle on the top and enjoy. May add your favorite milk or milk alternative if you’d like. This recipe is filling!