Dehydrated Mushrooms

Mushrooms are amazingly good for you! According to Joel Furhman, MD, he recommends everyone eat the GOMBS diet. That stands for Green, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Beans & Seeds.

The GOMBS diet is said to be very healing to the body. Everyone should try different food to see what works for them. I feel amazing when I eat this type of diet. As always, listen to your body! Decide what works for you! You are an amazing garden that needs to be well tended. Eat a VARIETY of food! Remember to eat the RAINBOW of colors!


Healthy Living Chick







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Dehydrated Mushrooms Recipe

This recipe is VERY simple. If you don’t have a dehydrator then put these in your oven on the lowest setting and watch them. You are simply trying to get the marinade to go into the mushroom. We aren’t trying to “cook” it. 


You need: Mushrooms, Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, and Coconut Aminos


3 large Mushrooms

 2 T Olive oil

1 T Balsamic Vinegar

1 T Coconut Aminos

*Coconut Aminos is sweeter than a soy sauce, contains no soy, and has a lot less sodium. I prefer to use Coconut Aminos in most recipes that calls for soy sauce.


Dehydrate for 4 hours.