Veggie Burger

This is one that my kids ask for except for 1 of them. She has not liked these burgers from the day that she came home. Every time that we make them she says, “Me don’t like them.” We say, “No problem eat 2 bites and you can have something else.” Well time has gone by and we have them every few months. She eats her 2 bites and moves to something else. The last time I made these burger she said, “I like them.” She ate her whole burger, had another for lunch the following day and wanted a third at the next dinner. This goes to show that enough consistency works. Kids taste buds change and so do yours. I used to hate the taste of cilantro but I knew that it was good for me. I kept on trying it and now I LOVE cilantro. #keeptrying #theywilllearntolikeitimg_2788






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Veggie Burger Recipe

This recipe comes from Hallelujah Acres cookbook by Marilyn Polk:

3 3/4 cups of carrots. (about 5 large carrots) Process carrots using S blade on food processor. Set aside

Mix 4 1/2 T. of water with the following mixture and add it in your food processor

3 Cups of sunflower seeds

1 1/2 tsp Celtic sea saltĀ 

1 cup celery

1/2 cup red onion

6 T red pepper (1/2)

6 T parsley-fresh

Pulse food processor and then when you get the correct consistency add to carrot mixture. Form apples 1/4 cup per patty and place on a Teflex Sheet OR on a baking pan and place it in the oven on the lowest setting until dry and turn over and continue until completely dry. IF using a dehydrator, dehydrate for 4 hours on 106 degrees. Flip burgers over and heat for 1-2 more hours.